Monday, June 10, 2013

haven't been here for awhile so i thought i would get back on the ball. i have neglected to post so much since the last time. any way thats the way it goes sometimes, and i am only one

i have a new website for the shop. check it out!! lots of work on there from myself, and JJ as well.
i will be making a serious effort to attend some more conventions this year. stay posted i will let you know.

i have recently joined the world of instagram as well, you can follow   spidermonkeysauce    thats me.

and here are a couple of pics of some more recent work i have done.
good ol' shameless self promotion. until next time,
cheers and safe travels all.

Monday, December 10, 2012

well its been awhile since i have checked in here. so a quick heads up i will be doing the minneapolis tattoo arts convention again this year. from january 11th - 13th of the year 2013. i always look forward to this show because minneapolis is old stomping ground. get to see some great friends at the show. and hopefully keep my head down working on some new arts. i will also be attending the philadelphia tattoo arts show from february 8th-10th 2013. so if your in the area come check it out. will post links below.
for minneapolis:
for philly:

i will almost certainly be attending the chicago convention as well. more info on that soon.
so take care and travel safely for the holidays.

Monday, January 2, 2012

upcoming minneapolis show and first tattoo of 2012

so minneapolis tattoo convention is right around the corner i still have a couple of openings left for sunday and maybe a squeeze er in on friday. if yer interested. also wanted to share the first tattoo of 2012 that i started today. hope everyone had a bangin' new year.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hello all, I am poppin on here to inform you of the upcoming Minneapolis tattoo arts convention that i will be attending from Jan 13th-15th. i will be happy to be going home for this one. its always nice to get back to your roots and recharge the batteries.
So i f anyone is interested in getting a Callahan original for that after the holiday gift to self, or that late present to someone else please feel free to hit me up. my contact info is on here.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hello all, my name is Dale Callahan, owner and artist at Yi Shen Jing Custom Tattoo. A nice private studio  Located @ 235 Cumberland St. in Lebanon, PA. (717)-376-0190.
I can also be reached at
I opened Yi Shen Jing in the spring of 2001.   We had spent about 9 years at our first location and have recently moved to where we are now. the new place is a little smaller but way nicer than the old spot. There have been a couple people who have come and gone thru the years, and i am currently working with Jarod Foltz who has worked here part time since the beginning.
 Yi shen jing is chinese for intent auric power, when the words are thrown together it translates to mean mind, body, spirit. I find all of these things factor into the experience of giving and getting a tattoo.  I feel that i am a well rounded tattoo artist capable of laying down any style in the skin. That being said, i really enjoy doing color, black and grey, and neo japanese, (mostly animals nature and mythical creatures)  really i just like to put good tattoos on good people, without prejudice to style. i think if the person getting the tattoo has their idea, and is willing to let me roll with it.  The end result will be a nice clean tattoo.

I will be posting info on upcoming tattoo conventions and guest spots here. also sharing my art and tattoos on the interweb. hope to be seeing you at a location near you.
thanks and cheers,
Dale Callahan